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Rocket League Sideswipe

286 reviews
3.6 M downloads

The long-awaited debut of Rocket League on Android

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Rocket League Sideswipe is the official adaptation of the great Rocket League -one of the most popular and spectacular e-sports right now- for Android. Far from being a simple 'port' of the PC and console versions, this game has been specifically designed for touchscreen devices.

The first you'll be sure to notice about Rocket League Sideswipe is the perspective. Instead of having the classic third-person perspective with your vehicle always in the center of the screen, it offers a side perspective that will allow you to see the setting better on a smartphone. Thanks to this change, the controls can also be somewhat simplified, better adapting to the requirements of touchscreens.

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Another important aspect to keep in mind is that the games are 1v1 and 2v2, with a maximum duration of two minutes. Again, these changes were made with the goal being to improve the mobile experience. Thanks to the reduced number of players on each team, it'll be easier to find random games at any time. Also, due to the shortness of the rounds, you can play one or more games wherever you go.

Rocket League Sideswipe is a visually spectacular title that promises to bring to smartphones the same excitement that the original title offers on PC and consoles. As expected, the game will also allow you to collect dozens of decorative elements to customize all your vehicles and give them a unique look.

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Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

Can I play Rocket League Sideswipe on PC?

Yes, you can play Rocket League Sideswipe on your PC, as long as you install the APK on an emulator. On Uptodown's catalog, we offer several emulators, such as GameLoop, Nox or LDPlayer. Install Rocket League Sideswipe on them and play on PC.

Can I play Rocket League Sideswipe offline?

You can access some of Rocket League Sideswipe's the features offline, but to play against other players, you will need an Internet connection.

How do I do flips in Rocket League Sideswipe?

To do flips in Rocket League Sideswipe, you will need to double-click on the screen while turning the joystick, and the vehicle will start to rotate.

Can I play one-on-one in Rocket League Sideswipe?

Yes, you can play one-on-one in Rocket League Sideswipe, as well as in team modes to play against other players.

Information about Rocket League Sideswipe 1.0

Package Name com.Psyonix.RL2D
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Sports
Language English
22 more
Author Psyonix
Downloads 3,603,751
Date Aug 26, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 1.0 Android + 7.0 Aug 16, 2024
apk 1.0 Android + 6.0 Nov 10, 2023
apk 1.0 Android + 6.0 Aug 16, 2023
apk 1.0 Android + 6.0 Jan 26, 2023
xapk 1.0 Android + 6.0 Dec 20, 2022
apk 1.0 Android + 6.0 Dec 7, 2022

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286 reviews


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cleverbrownpapaya130 icon
9 hours ago

Erm what the sigma

fastblackdog41972 icon
23 hours ago

I am and remain of the opinion that as long as controllers are allowed, this game can be forgotten

intrepidgreyeagle35230 icon
3 days ago


oraclerock icon
4 days ago

This game is horrendous. After a few matches, the pitch will become all low quality and cause severe lag spikes. Finding a match takes forever. All of the players play the exact same, if only people c...See more

glamorousbrownblueberry17643 icon
4 days ago


proudsilverpine29535 icon
4 days ago

Can't download 🖕


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